The main function of Super-G is calling. The watch has the essential functions of a cell phone for communication. This is not a professional location tracking device. Location tracking is an additional feature. Its accuracy may depend on a number of circumstances beyond our control.

More about location detection of the watch and possible errors:

You will see the map on the main Super-G program window (or by clicking the first icon on the bottom menu bar). A circle with the child’s picture shows the child’s location. Click on the circle to see:

  • preliminary location address;
  • date and time;
  • device battery;
  • type of navigation (WIFI, GPS, or CELLS**);
  • directions button;
  • location refresh button.

**Navigates outdoors in accordance with WIFI or GPS, indoors in accordance with WIFI or CELLS.

GPS positioning is set through the watch communication with the server and satellites. Many of the known maps are based on this principle. Outdoors, the watch maintains a connection with satellites, and they represent the exact location.

WIFI positioning is obtained by secondary calculations based on the available location of the WIFI routers MAC addresses, i.e. the watch indicates a preliminary location which the WIFI has recognized. For example, if there is a WIFI signal in the shopping center, the watch will recognize it and show the indoor point of the shopping center.

CELLS positioning is the third alternative of the positioning where the watch does not detect either GPS or WIFI signal. The device then tentatively identifies its location according to the cellular operator towers, i.e. showing the nearest cellular operator tower in your watch. The error when navigating with this type can be significant as it is derived data based on the location of the operator towers.